Board Talk
Always in Front of US
Mission Statement:
To provide affordable housing in community developments and transitional housing through The Guesthouse program, as well as access to fresh foods and groceries via The Grocery program, enhancing the quality of life for low-income individuals and families in our community.
Vision Statement:
To become a model provider of affordable housing and transitional housing, and fresh groceries in our region for low-income households, fostering sustainable communities and economic empowerment.
Welcome to 2025!
As we start this new year with our February Board Meeting, we face the empty seat at our table. We plan to honor Danny by renaming the Community Foundation fund which came as a part of our receipt of the Women's Fund Impact Grant. Let's plan to honor Danny during our first meeting of the year. I'll have a special presentation, we will remember Danny and pray for his family together.
Board Meeting February 3, 2025 5-7pm
ED Report is attached below Board Candidate Bios.
Discussion of ED Report - Recommendations
Agenda Item #1:
Introduction to NEW Board Member Candidates: Lindsey McCarty and John Kleis (See Bios and Introductions below)
Each Candidate will introduce themselves to the group in-person. Current Board Members will have an opportunity to ask any questions of each candidate related to joining the Board, thoughts on the vision/mission of HOTH and any background question.
Consensus on the Candidates for membership.
Candidates will be active members and have all Board Member responsibilities during the meeting.
Agenda Item #2:
Approval of November-December Minutes
Financials: as of February 2, 2025
Discussion: Board Conversations with Crystal. How are they going? Have you developed any more clarity on your role in fundraising? What are some of the ways?
Agenda Item #3:
Danny Carothers Housing Endowment Day of Giving - $10,000.00 GOAL
Other NEW Business - Anyone can submit items for discussion as NEW Business. Please send discussion topics to JOEL no less than one week before Board Meeting.
Board Member Recommendation for Lindsey McCarty
I'd like to introduce Lindsey McCarty as a nominee for the Board at House on the Hill. Lindsey is a Branch Manager for American Bank and Trust. She has been a huge support in our partnership with AB&T. She has a passion for our work and is eager to be involved in helping raise the funds to complete our mission. Lindsey sits on several committees with the Bank. She also attends many of the Chamber of Commerce events. She is interested in spreading the word about the work of HOTH and her involvement as a Board Member. Lindsey as a member of our Board would be the first corporate partner represented on the Board. This only strengthens our community ties, our partnership with AB&T and promotes our credibility with other current and potential corporate partners.
Lindsey filled out the HOTH Board Member Bio below.
Lindsey McCarty
1445 Peachtree Lane Bowling Green, Ky 42103
What do you see has your most important accomplishments?
First and foremost having my beautiful children. I also am proud of my degree in Business Management and successful career in banking now for almost 14 years. I am on IALCO committee at the bank, and participated in leadership programs at the bank. I have served in many capacities over the years at Crossland Community Church. I currently serve on the board of directors for BRASS in Bowling Green. I also am very proud of the artwork I have created over the last 10 years. I am also very proud of my involvement in the Bowling Green Chamber of Commerce through the bank.
What strengths do you bring to the Board at House on the Hill?
I feel the biggest strength I can bring is my creativity and willingness to serve. When I am passionate about something and its cause I come up with endless ideas and avenues to create change. I also have a lot of networking opportunities being in banking and the Bowling Green Chamber of Commerce to help get the message of House on the Hill to the community.
What do you feel is essential to ensure that the Board and staff are successful in attaining the goals for this organization?
Clear and honest communication. Strategy and smart goals. A clear vision and drive to attain those goals. Also as a believer I feel it is essential to believe in the power of prayer to facilitate impact and direction for this organization .
What life experiences have given you a heart for families and individuals living in poverty?
Serving at Crossland first and foremost gave me that heart. Also serving on the board for BRASS has helped opened my eyes to the needs in the community. I have also helped serve the Family enrichment center, Top crops, and Boys and girls club over the years through United Way.
As a Board member, what do you see as your responsibilities?
Clearly and effectively communicate the need, mission, and goals of House on the Hill to the community. Work to connect House on the Hill with donors that can help with monetary donations to affect change. Also work to create volunteer opportunities for people who are willing to serve. Participate in annual fundraisers for House on the Hill and attend board meetings. And of course give donations to my financial capacity as a board member.
Board Member Recommendation for John Kleis
I'd like to introduce John Kleis as a nominee for the Board at House on the Hill. John is a good friend and has become a fast friend of House on the Hill since October/November. John has a varied background in Law-Enforcement, Sales and Human Resources. He was also a Navy Pilot. John has been giving of his time three days a week and was a huge asset leading up to Thanksgiving and the BIG boxing event as well as delivery of the box pallets the days after the event. John is also a driver on our new insurance. He is driving the Box Truck for pickup/deliveries of food items. His presence on the insurance lower a monthly premium by about $80. John seems to enjoy the volunteer work at HOTH and plans to continue his time volunteer while adding the responsibility of Board Member. John and his wife Kim are members at Crossland Community Church. As we place our first two residents of The Guesthouse program for 2025 in our new units this month, John will be assisting with monthly check-ins on those facilities and the progress our male resident is making on his personal development plan.
John filled out the Board Member Bio below:
John Kleis
2716 Garrett Drive, Bowling Green, KY 42104
What do you see has your most important accomplishments?
As I reflect on my life’s journey and the most important accomplishments I have been blessed to experience, several come to mind: My commitment and belief in Jesus Christ; being a loyal and dedicated husband; being a loving and supportive father; serving a successful military career participating and flying in several worldwide military conflicts; having a successful professional career of 30 years in Human Resources; demonstrating values of integrity, fairness and loving others; 25 years of a successful avocation as a NCAA college baseball and basketball official…but as I think of being a Board Member with House on the Hill the one accomplishment that stands out the most is my 40+ years of serving and giving back to the community in a variety of roles, services and organizations.
What strengths do you bring to the Board at House on the Hill?
The strengths I believe I bring to the HOTH as a Board member are:
• Passion and experiences to serve communities,
• Previous experiences serving as a Board Member,
• 30 years of various industry experiences as an HR member partnering with company
Boards to help drive successful organizations,
• Strong open and candid communicator,
• Team player attributes to ensure collaboration and teamwork,
• Strong career work ethic and leading by example values.
What do you feel is essential to ensure that the Board and staff are successful in attaining the goals for this organization?
The essentials to ensure the Board and staff are successful include:
• Working together as a valued team Board member ensuring the Board and staff execute
the mission of HOTH, follow the bylaws, hold individuals accountable to their roles and
responsibilities and be recognized in the community as a nonprofit organization of
• Provide daily support to the Executive Director & staff as needed,
• Visibility at HOTH events, activities, and client interactions,
• Be an active HOTH volunteer,
• Identify potential corporate partners/sponsors and individuals to be a part of the HOTH
mission and fundraising efforts.
What life experiences have given you a heart for families and individuals living in poverty?
Numerous life experiences have prepared me and given me opportunities to build my heart to support individuals living in poverty. These experiences include:
• Traveled to over 45 countries around the world as part of my
military/professional/personal career observing how poverty impacts communities;
• Served over 20 years in various church-serving roles supporting programs focused on
low-income families and young adult development;
• Served over 40 years in a variety of roles and donated time and financial support to the
following organizations:
o Habitat for Humanity
o World Vision
o Compassion International
o United Way
o Goodwill
o Red Cross
o Salvation Army
o Boys & Girls Clubs
o Big Brothers & Big Sisters
o Feed the Children
o Houston Food Bank
o Father Flanagan’s Boys Home
o Katrina Relief
o Houston Flood Relief
o NC Flood Relief
o Bowling Green Tornado Relief
As a Board member, what do you see as your responsibilities?
As a HOTH Board Member these are what I see as my responsibilities:
• Work as a cohesive team member with the Board, Executive Director & staff,
• Support the Executive Director in the success of their role,
• Provide the Executive Director feedback on their performance in their role,
• Support the HOTH mission to ensure assets, facilities and people provide good will,
• As a Board member, provide a clear direction to the HOTH team,
• Be an active and dependable volunteer,
• Ensure the HOTH by-laws are followed and executed,
• Work to ensure HOTH financial stability,
• Review monthly financials and provide feedback,
• Work as a team to resolve conflict issues when they arise,
• Be a good communicator with other Board members, the HOTH team, clients, and the
community in all situations,
• Identify fundraising opportunities and prospects along with potential corporate partners
and individual donors,
• Be an ambassador & advocate for HOTH,
• Continue to enhance HOTH’s public image,
• Donate yearly to HOTH,
• Ensure legal & ethical integrity in all matters,
• Act as a governing body member for HOTH,
• Maintain confidentiality for all internal HOTH matters.
ED Report:
We ended 2024 on an up note. Several large donations were received at the end of the year. This has helped us start 2025. November Food Box event went well. The partnership with our Family Resource Centers in both school systems is stronger because of it. December saw a sharp decline in the number of volunteers for food box setup/distribution which was expected. Several new volunteers have come on during December and January. And the number of clients to be served has risen. In January we served 510 households with food. This does not include approximately 58 clients on the Pickup Food Box list who were no shows. These households will be reported to the FRCs as no shows and the FRC can come and pickup the boxes for delivery or we will use them for emergency food boxes and restock a portion of them. Anyone on the Pickup who did not pickup in January and whom the FRCs do not deliver to will be removed from the list for February. We did add about 25 households to the delivery list from the pickup list in January. We have 2 - 10 household lists for the Central area/region for which we do not have drivers. These will remain on the Pickup list to see if we can recruit more drivers.
Fundraising to be discussed during this month's Board Meeting are setup to raise close to $450,000.00. Added to this will be the Danny Carothers Housing Endowment goal of $10,000.00 which will be the match to the $10,000.00 set aside by the Women's Fund grant to start an endowment at the Community Foundation on our behalf. Our match has to be complete within the next two years. Our match will cover this requirement and we will discuss a commitment to making the Danny Carothers Housing Endowment Day of Giving an annual event for at least the next three 3 years. Approximately 4% of the dividends from this endowment can be used each year for housing assistance, construction, home ownership grants, utilities for housing units, etc. Dividends can also be left in the fund to continue to grow until the Board decides the endowment is large enough to begin using dividends for housing program purposes. This is a true endowment meaning the principal amount of $20,000.00 cannot be touched. This is separate from the Operational Endowment setup with Infinite Giving in 2024.
Joel had a lunch meeting with Susanne Vitale and Tessa Norris to discuss House on the Hill and how Susanne may be able to help. The conversation turned to Susanne using her influence to help raise funds for House on the Hill. Through her personal connections, we will follow-up and work on an event with Susanne as the host. We'll do a presentation and make an ask. The opportunity to make a gift will be reinforced at the event by Susanne and a follow-up with donors and those present who don't commit will happen in the two weeks after the event. Event TBD. $$ Goal for the event land acquisition.
Meetings with Crystal have gone well. There has been some strategic coaching on a couple of grants and local conversations regarding raising funds. We have not seen any actual dollars raised by Crystal as of the February Board Meeting. February conversations each Thursday are focused on grant research, writing and submission as well as Foundational relationship building on Crystal's part. We will also be discussing more immediate fundraising efforts on Crystal's part. A QR code to our 2025 Sponsorship Campaign has been created for Crystal's personal use so funds raised can be attributed to her work specifically. Awards of grants she writes will also be attributed to her but will have to include operational funds for which salaries can be used.
The Campaign is tentatively called the "Build Community Campaign: Share a Meal. Build a House."
A conversation and a Lunch and Learn has taken place with the Realtors Associations of South Central Kentucky (RASK) regarding House on the Hills involvement in the RASK Hope for Hunger event in which canned goods are collected through the WKU CANstruction event and will be distributed to HOTH and other counties in the BRADD region with the idea can goods distributed to HOTH will go to Warren County/BG households through our Food Boxes and The Grocery. Monies collected will be deposited with HOTH with up to $10,000.00 per quarter going to purchase gift cards at Meijer on the Simply GIVE Double Day each quarter. These funds will be used to multiply what each county in the BRADD region will receive through the Hope for Hunger event with any extra funds going to HOTH for food purchasing. Discussion on HOTH's involvement may not be completely determined by the February HOTH Board Meeting. HOTH did receive $7750.00 from the RASK Fall Hope for Hunger event and $7700.00 was used to purchase Simply GIVE cards on Double Day in November 2024. A report from Meijer on total cards purchased and the total dollar amount has not been received at the time of the February HOTH Board Meeting. Partnership with RASK will be ongoing, year by year.
Nathan Holaday, a new volunteer along with his wife Cheryl, began volunteering in November. Nathan is a former Vice President with Fruit of the Loom in charge of ordering and logistics. He is currently working with a POS Square Retail to develop an inventory and ordering plan for all our food items. This will allow us to inventory for locations of The Grocery, the monthly food boxes and our emergency food boxes to help us keep an inventory to order more appropriately and in a timely manner to insure all food items are available as needed. Using the POS will make manual inventory easier and digital inventory from The Grocery locations much more efficient. We will begin filling pallet stock orders for The Grocery locations for pickup by stocking volunteers or delivery via Box Truck to those locations.
ED Recommendation #1
Initially, as we piloted The Grocery program, we were thinking physical, building locations around the county would allow us the best access to clients and connection to clients. This means renting or purchasing 5-6 more buildings over the next two years. What if we rethink this plan a little and consider two, Step Vans or UPS delivery type vans which can be taken to any parking lot location, setup just like The Grocery in Richardsville with a team of volunteers per location? Vans would be equipment with electrical hook-ups like a camper trailer to be plugged into an adjacent building and also equipped with a generator in case no electrical is available on site. Electrical is only needed for dairy/produce coolers on The Grocery van. Seasonally a small famers market can be setup outside the van for fresh produce under Tents or Umbrellas. Inside the van one wall is all shelving like The Grocery in Richardsville and one end of the van houses the dairy and produce coolers. A foldable ramp can be constructed and attached to each to allow disabled or wheelchair clients to access the van. Vans would be parked at the HOTH office building during the week. Volunteers during the week would stock all dry goods based on POS inventory and prepare a pallet for restocking items as well as a cooler pallet for dairy and produce items. Each Friday afternoon The Grocery team of the week would arrive early enough to load the dairy/stock and drive to the day's location for setup and shopping hours. The team would return the van to the building. On Saturday The Grocery team would restock all dry/canned goods and restock the dairy/produce and return to the weekend's location. The first weekend would host two van locations, the second weekend would host two van locations and The Grocery at Richardsville would be open, the third weekend two van locations would be open for a total of SEVEN locations. The third weekend would also provide for a small number of shut-in deliveries as all other clients would move over to The Grocery program. Vans would cost between $10,000-12,000 each with gas and regular maintenance costs. Compare this to $100,000 for per year at least for rent or purchase, utility costs, insurance on each building, transportation of food items to all these sites on the box truck and maintenance of grass, parking lots and garden beds. With The Grocery van plan, we would locate at partner churches or orgs/businesses, potentially work out a garden bed plan on site and not have grass or parking maintenance.
ED Recommendation #2:
I recommend we change the name of our Community Foundation fund to the "Danny Carothers Housing Endowment" fund. Each year we will promote and host a Day of Giving for the endowment in honor of Danny and all his work and legacy. Funds will be given directly to the endowment through a link at the Community Foundation. As funds grow, we will be able to start using the funds, as the Board decides, for specific housing needs through our Impact Housing programs. As part of this recommendation, I recommend the first house HOTH builds be named the Carothers House in honor of Danny and the family he has left behind. Both the biological family and the Community family who feels his loss. A meeting, introduction and conversation with Danny's family will follow in the weeks after his Home Going Celebration.
ED Recommendation #3
Review the Fundraising Events for 2025 and delegate the four large events to two Board Members each to lead the planning and implementation of. A group of volunteers will be recruited to help with each event. Planning should start now for the largest events which require the most sponsorship dollars. Most orgs/businesses will plan their sponsorships in the first two quarters of the year.
This Consulting Agreement (the “Agreement”) is made and entered into as December 1, 2024 (the
“Effective Date”), by and between, Crystal Hadnott Philanthropy & Fundraising (CHPF) (“Consultant),
located at 4314 Gibson Street, Unit A, Houston, Texas 77007, and House on the Hill Inc. (“Client”),
located at 1333 Magnolia St, Bowling Green, Kentucky 4210.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual premises and covenants contained in this
Consultant Services Agreement is hereby agreed by and between the Parties as follows:
The Client retains the Consultant to provide the services, and the Consultant shall provide the services.
The Consultant will assign Crystal Hadnott to manage and execute the Duties and Deliverables outlined
in Exhibit A (“Scope of Services”). While working for House on the Hill, the Consultant’s title will be
Director of Fundraising.
The Consultant agrees to perform the Services in Exhibit A, devoting as much productive time,
energy, and ability as possible to perform the required Services in a timely and productive manner. The
Consultant agrees to perform the Services safely, well, and professionally. The Consultant will
communicate regularly with the Executive Director as the point of contact regarding progress in
performing the Services. The Client agrees to provide relevant information to assist the Consultant with
the performance of the Services and to satisfy all reasonable requests for assistance in its performance of
the Services. The Executive Director will review progress on the Services with the Consultant at least
quarterly. The Consultant will provide comprehensive reports to the Executive Director monthly.
The Consultant hereby warrants to the Client that, to the best of its knowledge, it is not currently obliged
under an existing contract or other duty that conflicts with or is inconsistent with this during the Term (as
defined below), the Consultant is free to engage in other independent contracting activities; provided,
however, the Consultant shall not accept work, enter into contracts, or accept obligations inconsistent or
incompatible with the Consultant’s obligations or the scope of Services to be rendered for the Client under
this Agreement.
This Agreement will commence on December 1, 2024, and terminate on February 28, 2025. A review for
potential renewal or extension will take place three months before the conclusion of the Agreement (by
January 31, 2025). Any renewal or extension will require a written agreement signed by both parties.
Either party may terminate this Agreement with thirty (30) days’ written notice to the other party. Upon
termination, the Consultant shall be compensated for all work performed and deliverables completed up
to the effective termination date, including any approved expenses incurred. If termination is due to a
material breach of the Agreement by one party, the other party may terminate immediately upon written
notice. All confidential information must be returned or destroyed upon termination.
The Client agrees to pay the Consultant a monthly consulting retainer fee and a performance-based
commission, payable as follows:
Monthly Retainer: $1,000 per month, invoiced on the first business day of each month.
Performance-Based Milestones: 15% of funds raised to be paid on February 28, 2025.
The Consultant will provide a monthly invoice, and payments are due within 5 business days of receipt.
Any ordinary and necessary expenses incurred by the Consultant or its staff in the performance of this
agreement will be the Consultant's sole responsibility.
The relationship of the parties under this agreement is one of independent contractors, and no joint
venture, partnership, agency, employer-employee, or similar relationship is created in or by this
agreement. Neither party may assume or create obligations on the other party's behalf, and neither party
may take any action that creates the appearance of such authority.
The Consultant is solely responsible for the payment of all income, social security, employment-related, or
other taxes incurred as a result of the performance of the Services by the Consultant under this
agreement, and for all obligations, reports, and timely notifications relating to those taxes. The Company
has no obligation to pay or withhold any sums for those taxes.
The Consultant has no claim against the Company under this agreement or otherwise for vacation pay,
sick leave, retirement benefits, social security, worker's compensation, health or disability benefits,
unemployment insurance benefits, or employee benefits of any kind.
The Consultant shall indemnify and hold harmless the Client and its board members, managers,
employees, agents, contractors, sublicensees, affiliates, subsidiaries, successors, and assigns from and
against all damages, liabilities, costs, expenses, claims, and/or judgments, including, without limitation,
reasonable attorneys’ fees and disbursements (collectively, the “Claims”) that any of them may suffer from
or incur and that arise or result primarily from (i) any gross negligence or willful misconduct of the
Consultant arising from or connected with Consultant’s carrying out of its duties under this Agreement, or
(ii) the Consultant’s breach of any of its obligations, agreements, or duties under this Agreement.
The Client shall indemnify and hold harmless the Consultant from and against all Claims that it may suffer
from or incur and that arise or result primarily from (i) the Client’s operation of its business, (ii) the Client’s
breach or alleged breach of, or its failure or alleged failure to perform under, any agreement to which it is
a party, or (iii) the Client’s breach of any of its obligations, agreements, or duties under this Agreement;
provided, however, none of the foregoing results from or arising out of the actions or inactions of the
During the Agreement Term and thereafter, the Consultant agrees to hold in the strictest confidence and
not to use, except for the benefit of the Company, or to disclose to any person, firm, or corporation without
the prior written authorization of the Client, any Confidential Information of the Client. “Confidential
Information” means any of the Client’s proprietary information, technical data, trade secrets, or know-how,
including, but not limited to, research, product plans, products, services, customer lists, markets,
software, developments, inventions, processes, formulas, technology, designs, drawings, engineering,
hardware configuration information, marketing, finances, or other business information disclosed to the
Consultant by the Company, either directly or indirectly. The Consultant may use the Confidential
Information to the extent necessary for negotiations, discussions, and consultations with the Client’s
personnel or authorized representatives or for any other purpose the Client may hereafter authorize in
The laws of the state of Texas govern this agreement (without giving effect to its conflicts of law
principles). Both parties consent to the personal jurisdiction of the state and federal courts in Harris
County, Texas.
No amendment to this agreement will be effective unless it is in writing and signed by a party or its
authorized representative.
If any one or more of the provisions contained in this agreement is, for any reason, held to be invalid,
illegal, or unenforceable in any respect, that invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability will not affect any other
provisions of this agreement, but this agreement will be construed as if those invalid, illegal, or
unenforceable provisions had never been contained in it, unless the deletion of those provisions would
result in such a material change to cause completion of the transactions contemplated by this agreement
to be unreasonable.
This agreement constitutes the final agreement of the parties. It is the complete and exclusive expression
of the parties' agreement about the subject matter of this agreement. All prior and contemporaneous
communications, negotiations, and agreements between the parties relating to the subject matter of this
agreement are expressly merged into and superseded by this agreement. The provisions of this
agreement may not be explained, supplemented, or qualified by evidence of trade usage or a prior course
of dealings. Neither party was induced to enter this agreement by, and neither party is relying on, any
statement, representation, warranty, or agreement of the other party except those set forth expressly in
this agreement. Except as set forth expressly in this agreement, there are no conditions precedent to this
agreement's effectiveness.
This agreement will become effective when all parties have signed it. The date this agreement is signed
by the last party to sign it (as indicated by the date associated with that party's signature) will be deemed
the date of this agreement.
Each party is signing this agreement on the date stated opposite that party's signature.
Sign: ________________________________ Date: ________________________________
Crystal Hadnott, Consultant
Sign: ________________________________ Date: ________________________________
Joel Hawkins, Executive Director
Develop and implement a Strategic Fund Development Plan (FY25-27)
Craft and execute an Annual Fundraising Plan (FY25).
Raise between $500,000 to $1,000,000 by the conclusion of the Agreement.
The Consultant will provide the following ongoing services during the Contract period:
Fundraising and Donor Relationship Management
Develop and implement comprehensive fundraising strategies to raise $500,000–$1,000,000
during the term, with a focus on individual, corporate, and institutional donors.
Cultivate relationships with existing and potential high-net-worth donors, leading meetings,
negotiations, and engagement activities to deepen donor connections.
Design and execute a donor stewardship program to improve donor retention and satisfaction,
ensuring consistent engagement and recognition.
Identify and engage new funding prospects, including major donors, foundations, and corporate
partners, using data-driven strategies and relationship-building techniques.
Grant Development and Funding Strategy
Create a grant strategy leveraging the Foundation Directory and other tools, focusing on
institutional funders aligned with the organization’s mission.
Research, draft, and submit a minimum of 10 high-quality grant proposals to secure significant
funding for operational and capital needs.
Establish a grant reporting process to maintain transparency and foster relationships with
institutional funders.
Provide regular updates on grant applications and track progress toward funding goals.
Strategic Planning and Reporting
Conduct an initial organizational assessment to identify opportunities for fundraising growth and
operational improvements.
Develop a Strategic Fund Development Plan (FY25-27) that aligns with the organization’s goals,
including strategies for donor cultivation, corporate partnerships, and long-term sustainability.
Create an Annual Fundraising Plan (FY25) detailing short-term initiatives, fundraising campaigns,
and metrics for success.
Deliver monthly progress reports to the Executive Director and Board Chair, summarizing
activities, achievements, and recommendations.
Board and Stakeholder Engagement
Work closely with the Executive Director and Board Chair to align on strategic priorities and
fundraising efforts.
Engage Board Members in fundraising activities, including leveraging their networks and
participation in cultivation events.
Provide training and resources for Board Members to serve as effective ambassadors for the
organization’s mission.
The Consultant will produce written reports and appropriate documentation of the following deliverables
pursuant to the Client’s Goals, establishing with the Board Deliverable due dates every 30 days of this
contract. Due dates will be completed together between the Consultant and the Client within 30 days of
signing of this contract to which this contract will be appended with said due dates.
First 30 Days (December 2024):
Conduct an organizational assessment and SOAR analysis.
Develop a high-level framework for the Strategic Fund Development Plan (FY25-27).
Create a detailed work plan for the first 60 days with clear milestones.
First 60 Days (January–February 2025):
Finalize and present the Strategic Fund Development Plan.
Draft the Annual Fundraising Plan (FY25), including specific initiatives for:
o Major donor cultivation.
o Corporate sponsorship outreach.
o Grant application submissions.
Prepare one grant proposal targeting a high-priority funder.
Ongoing Deliverables (March–November 2025):
Launch and manage fundraising campaigns, including:
o Major donor outreach (minimum 10 meetings/month).
o Corporate sponsorship pitches (minimum 5 proposals/month).
Submit at least 10 grant applications, targeting institutional donors.
Develop and implement a donor stewardship plan.
Provide monthly progress reports summarizing activities, funds raised, and next steps.
Final Deliverables (November 2025):
Prepare an end-of-contract report summarizing achievements, funds raised, and
recommendations for future fundraising strategies.
Prepare a SWOT analysis to build upon the next year’s annual plan.
Conduct a final meeting with the ED and Board to present findings.
December Talk
Hello Board!
Our next Board Meeting on Monday December 2 at 6:00pm. We just have a few things on the agenda for the meeting following dinner and Christmas activities!
As of 12-2-2024
Operating Account - $22,354.04
Payroll Account - $9735.94
Women's Fund - $41,850.00
ED Report:
Development Consultant - We will be talking with Crystal this week. She has sent us a proposal of $1000.00 per month for one year and 15% on funds raised. We will be discussing the Boards decision as of our last meeting and see if she wants to move forward.
Tax Filing
Our tax filing for 2023 is complete. We had gross receipts of $418,000.00. This includes close to $260,000.00 in grants and in-kind contributions. As we discuss this annual Budget for 2025 at the Board meeting it is important to keep in mind those specific grants will not be available to us this year.
Future Grants
Beth has been fostering a conversation with the Realtors Association's Community Service Committee. They are considering giving us a small grant of around $7000.00 for the end of the year for food. We are also in conversation with them about being the recepient of funds raised during their two food drives each year. We would purchase food for the participating counties and we would be included with Warren County, receiving dollars to purchase Meijer cards with to double/triple the dollars received. Since we work so closely with the school systems, this would be a centralized purchasing/distribution system. We will submit a local grant proposal to the Community Foundation grant program this year. This program may fund a small project for us but it also puts our larger projects in front of a large number of private investor, Donor Advised fund holders and other private donors who are a member of the Community Foundation in Bowling Green, KY.
Women’s Fund - We purchased our first Camper Trailer with the funds received this year ($50,000.00) from the Women's Fund Impact Grant. The other funds will be transferred as needed from our "Grants" account to our operating account for The Guesthouse program units and the other four Camper Trailers we plan to purchase in 2025. The remaining balance of $40,000.00 will be received in check form in 2025. A $10,000.00 fund is being setup at the Community Foundation in our name and will be included on the "Funds" page. Donors are able to provide Donor Advised funds to our fund at any time. The funds already received, the check in 2025 and the $10,000.00 fund equate to the total $100,000.00 amount from the Impact Grant award.
Impact Housing Application - We plan to open our Housing Application on or before January 15, 2025.
Impact Housing Community - Last month everyone received a copy of the Impact Housing White Paper. Joel will be meeting with several potential Board members over the next month. We will share the White Paper with them. We will also be meeting with one potential donor regarding the Impact Housing Community specifically. As we move closer and closer to the land purchase/acquisition, we hope to provide more and more people with the information in the White Paper. You will also notice the Capital Purchase of the land included in the 2025 Annual Budget.
The Month of December at a Glance
This month will focus on our Household Sponsorship Campaign as we will be a part of the Christian Family Radio 12 Days of Giving. The PSA created through this event will also be used on other local radio networks during drive-time on Christmas music stations. We'll use our free spots on CFR the weeks after the 12 Days of Giving event leading up to Christmas.
Media Coverage - We'll use our social media outlets to share clients story anonymously, radio spots on local radio networks playing Christmas music, possibly NPR, and we'll also use our client and volunteer network to challenge a week of sponsorships. A prize will be award to those who participate and drive friends/family/neighbors to the giving page to sponsor a household. Any person can get in on the Challenge. Anyone who gets someone to sponsor will receive a HOTH designer T-shirt.
Meeting Agenda:
Monday, December 2, 2024 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Approve November Minutes (click the link to view)
Old Business - Update on Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Family Movie/Silent Auction Event, Thanksgiving Food Box Event,
New Business - Budget Discussion/Salary Scale Discussion, Continue Staffing Discussion (We will provide and discuss the Line Item Summary at the Board Meeting.
Download/View - Budget Line Items, Salary Scale
November Talk
Hello Board!
Don't forget our next Board Meeting on Monday November 4 from 5:00-7:00pm. We've got a lot going on in November with events, Thanksgiving Boxes and the visit with Crystal. We've sent out a schedule of the visit. Please check it out and mark your calendar accordingly.
As of 11-3-2024
Operating Account - $14,562,63
Payroll Account - $9918.29
Women's Fund - $100,000.00
ED Report:
Development Consultant - Crystal Hadnott was the unanimous choice by the Board Hiring Committee. Crystal has agreed to visit with us November 14-16. Please check your email for the schedule of her visit. There are multiple opportunities to meet with her during her stay. It’s important for her to get to know us and what we do during the visit. Mark your calendar now for dinner with Crystal on Friday, November 15 at 6:00pm at Christy and Brian Schuette’s house.
Women’s Fund - WE GOT IT! We are all very excited and HOTH is blessed to have received the top honor of the Women’s Fund Impact Grant of $100,000.00 on Tuesday, October 22, 2024. These funds will be used for our transitional housing in The Guesthouse program as well as for our temporary housing in The Emergency Guesthouse program. George Vogler has come on-board as our next Guesthouse unit landlord in agreement to allow us to lease one two-bedroom/one bath unit off Hwy. 185 on Durrenberger near the site of the future Impact Housing Community.
Impact Housing Application - We are preparing our formal application for our Impact Housing programs. This application will serve as our housing application for transitional, emergency and permanent housing going forward. While we work to remove barriers to housing, we will ask every resident, in one of our housing programs, to complete the application process and provide specific information and documents to give us the best picture of their personal situation, needs and financial standing. None are used as disqualifiers but will help us determine if our programming is the best fit and what our obligations to the resident will be. The only real disqualifier for anyone being a part of our housing programs is being on a sex offender registry or having a record of crimes against women or children as all our residents will be living in proximity to both.
Impact Housing Community -White Paper - We are providing the Board with a copy of our Impact Housing Community White Paper. This will be used for potential donors and grants to share the need and plan for our housing community and its Phases of development. The packet also includes a preliminary site map and prototype homes based on home facades from the Nutwood/Magnolia neighborhood.
The Month of November at a Glance
This month is our Thanksgiving Box distribution. We will be providing 900 boxes this season in comparison to our regular 300 boxes per month. Tyson has agreed to provide 900 packages of chicken for the boxes. We are looking forward to having 80+ volunteers on Thursday November 14 from 5-7pm and a larger than normal setup crew that morning from 9-11am.
The Community-Wide Food Drive is November 11-22. Several locale schools and businesses are hosting their own drive as a part of the Community-Wide Food Drive or are hosting their own canned food drive to benefit HOTH. American Bank is partnering to allow drop-off of food items in their lobbies during regular business hours. Clark Distributing is helping us by providing their small black plastic pallets for American Bank lobbies and the schools/businesses to use to collect our food drive items. We will pick-up from these partners on Friday morning November 22. The week of December 2, 2024, staff from American Bank have volunteered to come in and help sort the donated items in our warehouse from the Community-Wide Food Drive.
Movie Night/Fundraiser - As of this report, we have not received any Design-a-House Challenge entries. We will be sending out a invite to all the local elementary schools to share via Dojo to all families about the Movie Night and fundraiser at the Capitol Theater on Friday November 22 from 5:30pm-8:30pm. The movie Home Alone (1st release) will be shown. Santa Claus will be there for pics. Our silent auction will be online via Zeffy.com and in-person at the Capitol Theater. Bidders will use the Zeffy.com website to place their bids. At the end of the event we will announce the winners on Facebook and on-stage as well as on the Zeffy site. If any entries are received for the Design-a-House Challenge, those prizes will also be awarded at the end of the event on November 22. Board Members need to get their baskets to the office by Thursday, November 7 at lunch so we can begin promoting what will be up for auction.
Board Baskets
Beth - Cozy Basket
Earl - Date Night Basket
Christy - Gourmet Basket
Bill - Sports Basket - WKU, Titans
Daniel - Golf Basket
Danny - Fitness Basket
Joel - Gift Cards Basket
Roles for the Evening: (volunteers will be asked to help on this night as well)
Beth - Host
Earl - Greeter/Info
Christy - Gourmet Hot Chocolate Booth
Bill - Greeter/Info
Daniel - Santa Pictures
Danny - Design-a-House Display Host
Joel - Host
Media Coverage - We will be doing multiple radio interviews, spots and TV appearances as a run up to the events during Hunger and Homelessness Awareness week. We are also part of the “12 Days of Giving” on CFR this year. We will have a whole day of focus during the 12 days. This will also provide a recorded radio spot we will also use on other local radio stations during December to continue our campaign for Household Sponsors and corporate sponsors. We are looking to market for end of the year giving on stations focused on playing Christmas music. Our marketing consultants, Highlights, LLC, will be placing us on several different conglomerate stations getting us out of the air on close to 15 different stations during this season as a PSA. We are also inviting media to our Thanksgiving Box packing night and Saturday distribution for coverage.
Meeting Agenda:
Monday, November 4, 2024 5:00pm-7:00pm
Approve October Minutes (click the link to view)
Old Business - Fundraising/Development Consultant Hire (click link for Schedule), November Event assignments/responsibilities/baskets…
New Business - What’s one of the first questions we all ask or are asked when we meet someone for the first time, White Paper, Conversations about Impact Housing Funds, Expansion of The Grocery Pogram/Staffing
October Talk
Good Afternoon Board Team!
Don't forget our Board Meeting Monday Night September 30 from 5-7pm. We moved this month's meeting as Beth will be out on October 7. This page includes the ED Report (please read before Monday) and the agenda for Monday night.
As of September 27, 2024
$3553.76 in our Operating Account.
$15,100.64 in our Payroll Account.
Household Sponsorship Campaign to Date: $8,411.00 (includes two monthly @ $25)
Household Sponsorship Campaign - REITERATING!!
This campaign is very important to the ongoing support of our Organization! It will allow us to not have to completely engage new supporters every year. Not working now to raise this support will mean more work in the long run. We've got to SHARE, ASK, and hit the pavement on this...HARD and NOW. This is a HUGE part of our annual budget!
How do we promote this campaign outside of church partners and raise up individual sponsors? Businesses?
Woodburn Baptist is the only church at this time who has committed to doing a Sunday morning campaign for us. All other partner churches will be receiving a follow-up email from us next week.
Upcoming: Presentation at Woodburn Baptist Church on Sunday September 29. Focus on Household Sponsors
ED Report
We continue to grow our reach with volunteers. We've hosted multiple new groups from Living Hope and Christ Church, an out of town group from Thrivent Financial Philanthropy, had several engagements at WKU to speak to students, several new volunteers from SOKY Happenings Calendar and a few groups from WKU are planning to come and serve.
Upcoming Private Fundraiser on Tuesday October 15 from 4-6. This group is a construction/development partnership. They have the ability to provide strong financial support for our work. About 15-20 people.
Halie has started to remove her things from the office storage.
Women's Fund Annual Dinner, where we will present to the group The Guesthouse proposal, is Tuesday October 22, 5-9pm. Tickets are $50 per person. Tickets can be purchased here!
https://cfsky.fcsuite.com/erp/donate/create/ticket?edt_id=1827 -
We will be doing 600 Thanksgiving Boxes in November as our regular Box distribution in partnership with the two local school systems and Tyson.
Conversations are ongoing related to our Impact Housing Community. We have met with the City and the County and will going back to the County for more conversation with Doug Gorman. We will be meeting with the Developer and General Contractor to set our Phases of Construction, develop a White Paper for the project and begin seeking grants and matching funds to start the process. As a Board, we'll need to begin thinking about a Capital Campaign and what this looks like and the best time to start the Campaign in 2025. We have momentum with this right now, including the Women's Fund opportunity, we don't want to let it die. We'll update the Board after the initial meeting with the Developer and GC as to our next steps.
October Board Agenda
No approval of minutes from September. No actions were taken. No quorum.
Discussion on ED Report and Financials
Fundraising Conversation - "Call-a-Thon"?, Other Church Presentations/Partnerships - Household Sponsors (Board)
Insurance Carrier Search
Guesthouse Update/Decision
Expanding Food to Barren County (3 Current Clients) - Interested Party in Glasgow
Other Related Business
Upcoming Dates
Monday, November 4 - 5:00pm-7:00pm Board Meeting
Friday October 18 at 11:00am - HOTH Ribbon Cutting
October 12 - All Day - “Unboxed” Cooking Challenge Video Shoot - Project TEMPORARILY on HOLD
This is our food event for Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week. This event is also a fundraiser for HOTH. The premise of the challenge is can you cook better than a Grandmother. There will be four contestants including a grandmother. They will prepare an appetizer, a main dish and a dessert from the food in our Food Box. There will be a segment for each and a segment for the finale to air on Facebook LIVE and YouTube LIVE the week of November 18-22. The overall winner will be awarded at our House Design Challenge Family Night on November 22. Fans can vote for their favorite chef/cook via QR Code leading up to and during the week in November. There will be four judges on the show including Joel. During on-air judging much info will be shared about HOTH and what we do. Vid Monster and Houchens Food Group are co-sponsors of the Challenge. We are working on specific times with Vid Monster. (ALL Board Members are welcome to attend and be in the audience, engage with audience members, etc.)
November 10 - Food Drive Start Date
November 22 - Food Drive End Date
November 18-21 HOTH “Unboxed” Cooking Challenge airs on Facebook and YouTube each night at 7:00pm - Project TEMPORARILY on HOLD
November 22 - 5:00pm-9:00pm HOTH House Design Challenge Family Night (event is 6:00pm-8:00pm)
This is our housing event for Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week. This event is also a fundraiser for housing. It will be held at the Capitol Arts Theater. We are going to reach out to the schools including WKU and SKYCTC to recruit entries. Entries will design a floor plan and front elevation of a house for our Impact Housing Community. All winners will have their name put on a house in the community. We will also use the winners designs with our architect to design a model home based on their design. We are working on an event title sponsor. We’ll be judging House Designs from entries and then displaying the finalist for public voting at the Capitol Arts Theater. Public voting will be $5 pay per vote via the Finalist’s QR Code. Our own judging panel will decide on 4 winners and then we will crown the public vote winner. We will also announce and award the overall winner from the Unboxed Cooking Challenge from the first part of the week. https://houseonthehillbg.com/housedesign
(We will need ALL Board Members on deck for this event. We’ll have several different job opportunities for everyone as we get closer!) Invites for the Design-a-House Challenge have gone out to public schools and WKU. We will be sending invites to homeschools, private schools and others next week. Please feel free to invite people to this event and share the website above.
September Talk
Good Afternoon Board Team!
Hope your week is going well! For those who missed the Board Meeting last night, here are the highlights and assigned tasks.
As of August 26, 2024
$2,449.05 in our Operating Account.
$25,374.17 in our Payroll Account.
Household Sponsorship Campaign to Date: $8,061.00 (includes two monthly @ $25)
Household Sponsorship Campaign
This campaign is very important to the ongoing support of our Organization! It will allow us to not have to completely engage new supporters every year. Not working now to raise this support will mean more work in the long run. We've got to SHARE, ASK, and hit the pavement on this...HARD and NOW. This is a HUGE part of our annual budget!
How do we promote this campaign outside of church partners and raise up individual sponsors? Businesses?
Woodburn Baptist is the only church at this time who has committed to doing a Sunday morning campaign for us. All other partner churches will be receiving a follow-up email from us next week.
Assigned Tasks:
Danny - Lunch Date with Matt, Justin and their wives, Meeting with other BG folks you've discussed.
Bill - Bank lunches
Beth - Contacting Tax Preparers with the Business Campaign.
Joel - Reach out to the school districts with the Business Campaign.
Everyone - We will be sending out a list of businesses to invite to the Business Fundraiser Campaign. It's simple for each business we invite, we are asking each employ to give $10. The goal is to reach businesses across the county with a focus on business with a high number of employees. The deadline for the end of the campaign is October 31. Businesses giving the most per capita will be recognized. We will provide posters to the businesses that participate and Joel will follow up once they agree to participate. Choose businesses where you know someone or feel comfortable with the ask.
Let everyone know in our text group who your have picked. I WILL email the list of Businesses by end of Business Wednesday 8-28-2024.
Summary of Upcoming Events:
Monday, October 7 - 5:00pm-7:00pm Board Meeting
September 12 - 5:30pm-8:30pm Volunteer Night (event is 6:00pm-8:00pm)
This is a big event! We’ll celebrate our volunteers as well as inform our volunteers. If you know volunteers or potential volunteers personally, PLEASE invite them. An RSVP messages is going out this week. Beth is the POC (Point of Contact) for this event. Looks like everything is set for this event.
September 18-22 - Joel Out of Town
October 12 - All Day - “Unboxed” Cooking Challenge Video Shoot
This is our food event for Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week. This event is also a fundraiser for HOTH. The premise of the challenge is can you cook better than a Grandmother. There will be four contestants including a grandmother. They will prepare an appetizer, a main dish and a dessert from the food in our Food Box. There will be a segment for each and a segment for the finale to air on Facebook LIVE and YouTube LIVE the week of November 18-22. The overall winner will be awarded at our House Design Challenge Family Night on November 22. Fans can vote for their favorite chef/cook via QR Code leading up to and during the week in November. There will be four judges on the show including Joel. During on-air judging much info will be shared about HOTH and what we do. Vid Monster and Houchens Food Group are co-sponsors of the Challenge. We are working on specific times with Vid Monster. (ALL Board Members are welcome to attend and be in the audience, engage with audience members, etc.)
November 10 - Food Drive Start Date
November 22 - Food Drive End Date
November 18-21 HOTH “Unboxed” Cooking Challenge airs on Facebook and YouTube each night at 7:00pm
November 22 - 5:00pm-9:00pm HOTH House Design Challenge Family Night (event is 6:00pm-8:00pm)
This is our housing event for Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week. This event is also a fundraiser for housing. It will be held at the Capitol Arts Theater. We are going to reach out to the schools including WKU and SKYCTC to recruit entries. Entries will design a floor plan and front elevation of a house for our Impact Housing Community. All winners will have their name put on a house in the community. We will also use the winners designs with our architect to design a model home based on their design. We are working on an event title sponsor. We’ll be judging House Designs from entries and then displaying the finalist for public voting at the Capitol Arts Theater. Public voting will be $5 pay per vote via the Finalist’s QR Code. Our own judging panel will decide on 4 winners and then we will crown the public vote winner. We will also announce and award the overall winner from the Unboxed Cooking Challenge from the first part of the week. https://houseonthehillbg.com/housedesign
(We will need ALL Board Members on deck for this event. We’ll have several different job opportunities for everyone as we get closer!) Invites for the Design-a-House Challenge have gone out to public schools and WKU. We will be sending invites to homeschools, private schools and others next week. Please feel free to invite people to this event and share the website above.
August Talk
Good Afternoon Board Team!
Hope your week is going well. We did not get into discussion on the Financial Report on Monday night. The funds on the statement are current balances.
Our monthly intake of funds from monthly donors is $550. Our monthly expenses are $15,000.00 minimum.
We as an Org have never been fully funded. We have worked with what we have. We are in a very different place this year due to growth. We are to a point where we have to be fully funded or at least minimally funded. Our facility now houses our food items and operations. Our grant for the rent on the facility ends in November. Our grant for salaries ends at the end of November. We are at a point where we will only be able to purchase food items from Meijer with our gift cards. Meijer is great for some items but much more expensive on others we buy locally with budget funds.
Our Household Sponsor campaign will provide approximately $210,000 of our annual budget. However, if we get to our goal of 1400 households sponsored, it could provide close to all of our budget not including grants. $210,000 is approx. $17,500.00 per month. To be fully funded for the year we will need approx. $30,000.00 per month.
We don’t have to panic but we have to do the work to promote the Household Sponsorship campaign, meetings with Banks and businesses within the next three months and apply for the grants like the Women’s Fund to be dliigent. We have Woodburn Baptist onboard right now for hosting a Sponsorship campaign. We need Crossland, Hillvue, and Eastwood or Living Hope onboard. We have several small churches to talk with as well. Four of the larger churches could carry us on the Sponsorship Campaign. The awesome thing about the Household Sponsors is we don’t have to do that kind of campaign again because we will have all of them in our database and can easily ask for them to sponsor again next September.
At the Board Meeting we listed banks or businesses we each were going to talk with. The best way to have this conversation is by Bank or business. Lunch is a great opportunity! If you have a Bank or business on the list, please make sure we get a date on the calendar to host them.
We need to have these on the calendar by the end of next week. We need the meetings to take place by the end of October. This is our push to make sure we have our budget raised and in place by January 1, 2025.
Meetings we may have with folks regarding our Capital Campaign are very different than the meetings for our annual budget. We may have some of these before January but we don’t need to focus on those by next week.
See the Summary of Events below. What we need from Board Members is in parenthesis!
Summary of Upcoming Events:
August 9 - 11:00am-2:00pm Crocker Law Food Truck Friday
We have been invited to be the recipient of their fundraiser on Friday. Usually approx.. $500. We’ll be setting up around 10:30am. Joel is the POC (Point of Contact) for this event. (ALL Board Members are invited to come hangout at the Booth, eat and engage!)
August 15 - 11am-2:00pm Welcome Back WKU
This event is at WKU on the South Lawn. We’ll be setup in our booth to recruit student volunteers, give away some cooling towels, play a game and engage students entering WKU with HOTH! Joel is the POC for this Event. (ALL Board Members are invited to come hangout at the Booth, eat and engage! Lunch will be provided, I just need to know you’ll be there for lunch so I can order from WKU)
August 26 - 5:00pm-7:00pm Board Meeting
September 12 - 5:30pm-8:30pm Volunteer Night (event is 6:00pm-8:00pm)
This is a big event! We’ll celebrate our volunteers as well as inform our volunteers. We decided to provide pizza for dinner with really good desserts (Daniel). We will do a presentation. We agreed to have decals (Joel), checking out some sponsored shirts (Daniel), cornhole (Daniel), an ice breaker mixer (Christy), Photo/video booth (Joel). Beth is the POC (Point of Contact) for this event.
September 18-22 - Joel Out of Town
October 17 - All Day - “Unboxed” Cooking Challenge Video Shoot
This is our food event for Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week. This event is also a fundraiser for HOTH. The premise of the challenge is can you cook better than a Grandmother. There will be four contestants including a grandmother. They will prepare an appetizer, a main dish and a dessert from the food in our Food Box. There will be a segment for each and a segment for the finale to air on Facebook LIVE and YouTube LIVE the week of November 18-22. The overall winner will be awarded at our House Design Challenge Family Night on November 22. Fans can vote for their favorite chef/cook via QR Code leading up to and during the week in November. There will be four judges on the show including Joel. During on-air judging much info will be shared about HOTH and what we do. Vid Monster and Houchens Food Group are co-sponsors of the Challenge. We are working on specific times with Vid Monster. (ALL Board Members are welcome to attend and be in the audience, engage with audience members, etc.)
November 10 - Food Drive Start Date
November 22 - Food Drive End Date
November 18-21 HOTH “Unboxed” Cooking Challenge airs on Facebook each night at 7:00pm
November 22 - 5:00pm-9:00pm HOTH House Design Challenge Family Night (event is 6:00pm-8:00pm)
This is our housing event for Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week. This event is also a fundraiser for housing. It will be held at the Capitol Arts Theater. We are going to reach out to the schools including WKU and SKYCTC to recruit entries. Entries will design a floor plan and front elevation of a house for our Impact Housing Community. All winners will have their name put on a house in the community. We will also use the winners designs with our architect to design a model home based on their design. We are working on an event title sponsor. We’ll be judging House Designs from entries and then displaying the finalist for public voting at the Capitol Arts Theater. Public voting will be $5 pay per vote via the Finalist’s QR Code. Our own judging panel will decide on 4 winners and then we will crown the public vote winner. We will also announce and award the overall winner from the Unboxed Cooking Challenge from the first part of the week. https://houseonthehillbg.com/housedesign
(We will need ALL Board Members on deck for this event. We’ll have several different job opportunities for everyone as we get closer!)